YouthWorks Summer Jobs


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YouthWorks connects thousands of young people between the ages of 14 and 21 to summer jobs with private, nonprofit, and city and state government employers throughout Baltimore. Participants work in a variety of industries and gain workforce readiness and career-specific skills. Our partners include the City of Baltimore, the State of Maryland, local employers, nonprofits, philanthropic contributors, and the Baltimore Workforce Development Board Youth Committee. 

The YouthWorks 2023 online youth application period is January 3 - April 7

Visit the YouthWorks website.

YouthWorks 2023 will operate an in-person and virtual summer program from July 10 to August 11, 2023. Youth may work five hours per day, five days per week, totaling 25 hours per week. YouthWorkers will work on skills that include job readiness, career exploration, financial literacy, academic enrichment, and other skills training. Registered youth will be contacted directly by email with more information.

Applicants must be Baltimore City residents aged 14-21 years old on July 7, 2023. 

Employers and Donations Needed


Baltimore’s businesses interested in participating and applying for the YouthWorks 2023 Summer Jobs program. Email YouthWorks Private or call 410-396-6722 for more information.


Non-profit organizations, community groups, and government agencies interested in participating and applying for the YouthWorks 2023 summer jobs program. These positions are already funded. Contact 410-545-1820 or email for more information.


YouthWorks welcomes tax-deductible donations to pay the wages of youth placed at public sector worksites through the Baltimore Civic Fund. The cost per job placement for YouthWorks 2023 is $2,100, but contributions of any amount are appreciated. Checks can also be made payable to Baltimore Civic Fund/YouthWorks and mailed to MOED, 101 W. 24th Street, Baltimore, MD 21218.​

YouthWorks in the News:

For the latest in YouthWorks news please follow us on Facebook and Instagram

July 12, 2021: The Baltimore Sun writes: YouthWorks Summer Jobs program welcomes some youth back to in-person jobs in 2021.

January 25, 2021: Mayor Scott announces that registration is now open for prospective 2021 YouthWorks participants.

January 25, 2021: WMAR-TV covers online registration opening.

September 23, 2020: University of Maryland Baltimore News describes their 2020 summer intern program YouthWorks: Building a Generation of Change-Makers.

September 2020: University of Maryland Medical Center's YouthWorks Virtual Stay Safe Program.

May 27, 2020: Director Jason Perkins-Cohen talks about plans for the Virtual YouthWorks 2020 summer jobs program with Aaron Henkin on WYPR's The Daily Dose. Tune in at the 13:10 mark. 

May 20, 2020: Mayor Young announces the Virtual YouthWorks 2020 summer jobs program to begin July 13. See the press conference.

February 5, 2020: In just one month, more than 10,000 Baltimore City youth and young adults apply for YouthWorks summer jobs. The deadline is March 1.

January 3, 2020: Director Jason Perkins-Cohen was interviewed by WMAR-TV about how the increase in minimum wage will increase earnings for 2020 YouthWorkers. 

Youth Profiles

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Amaris Medina, YouthWorks 2021

Amaris is a rising junior at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute High School. During the summer she worked at Art With A Heart through the YouthWorks summer jobs program.

“We are learning about graphic design, video editing, and using Photoshop and other programs,” Amaris said. “One of the projects we’re working on is to create a poster that promotes a tourist attraction in Baltimore.”

“It’s hard for people my age to get a job on their own. I think it’s really important for the city to offer YouthWorks. It’s important for us to be with our peers and learn together,” said Amaris. “I can tell you that I’m learning how to manage my time better and gaining leadership skills through team building. And I’m learning about other people, those of different gender, race or ethnicity -- learning how to step in other’s shoes and see their perspective.”

“This job is a good fit for me because I’m a very creative person. I want to pursue art and learn other programs like Illustrator and Animator,” said Amaris. “I try to find what I can enjoy and use that as a ‘charging place’ – that gives me the energy to do other things. I think about my future and how the actions of this moment might affect what happens next.”

Khalil Taylor, YouthWorks 2019Khalil Taylor

Khalil Taylor loved his summer job working on a community arts project in his neighborhood. He plans to attend the Maryland Institute College of Art and wants to become an art professor.

"YouthWorks provides youth opportunities to meet new people and develop skills that match our interests. I'm much more open with people in general and I've learned the value of giving back to the community." 


410-545-1820, Email:

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The Baltimore Civic Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization – donations to which are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. A copy of their current financial statement is available upon written request at One North Charles St., Suite 1600 Baltimore, MD 21201. Documents submitted to the State of Maryland under the Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act are available from the Office of the Secretary of State for the cost of copying and postage.